Borderlands: The Pre Sequel (PC) CD key
Děj hry se odehrává mezi událostmi Borderlands a Borderlands 2. Prozkoumáte měsíční krajinu Elpis a základnu Hyperion. Budete si moci zvolit mezi různ...
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Aktuální nejnižší cena
Obchody s klíči:
49.75 Kč
Porovnat ceny
nejlevnější cena v 17 obchodech
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel BR Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 48.26 Kč49.75 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 48.26 Kč49.75 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Steam Key GLOBAL
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 56.99 Kč58.75 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 56.99 Kč58.75 Kč

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Cd Key Steam Europe
info v obchodě 🚩59.00 Kč
59.00 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴62.00 Kč
62.00 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 62.08 Kč64.00 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 62.08 Kč64.00 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel EN Global
je skladem 🏴64.50 Kč
64.50 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Turkey Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Asia Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Europe Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel RU/CIS Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel India Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Latam Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 59.18 Kč67.25 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) Steam Key UNITED STATES
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 65.48 Kč67.50 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 65.48 Kč67.50 Kč

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Steam Key EUROPE
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 65.48 Kč67.50 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 65.48 Kč67.50 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
info v obchodě 🚩68.25 Kč
68.25 Kč

Borderlands Pre-Sequel Shock Drop Slaughter Pit Steam Key GLOBAL
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 66.45 Kč68.50 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 66.45 Kč68.50 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel RoW Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 72.74 Kč74.99 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 72.74 Kč74.99 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel EN EU
je skladem 🏴75.24 Kč
75.24 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel EU PC Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 78.80 Kč81.24 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 78.80 Kč81.24 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel EUROPE
je skladem 🏴87.74 Kč
87.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) Steam Key - EU
je skladem 🏴 -5% s SEAL5XX = 90.95 Kč95.74 Kč
-5% s SEAL5XX = 90.95 Kč95.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel EU/NA PC Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 95.05 Kč97.99 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 95.05 Kč97.99 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) Steam Key LATAM
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 98.69 Kč101.74 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 98.69 Kč101.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴102.49 Kč
102.49 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) - Steam Key - RU/CIS
je skladem 🏴102.74 Kč
102.74 Kč

Borderlands The Pre-sequel PC (WW)
je skladem 🏴109.74 Kč
109.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) - Steam Key - WESTERN ASIA
je skladem 🏴117.49 Kč
117.49 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) - Steam Key - INDIA
je skladem 🏴121.24 Kč
121.24 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass BR Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 120.27 Kč123.99 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 120.27 Kč123.99 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) - Steam Key - LATAM
je skladem 🏴127.49 Kč
127.49 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) - Steam Key - ASIA
je skladem 🏴136.99 Kč
136.99 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (incl. Season Pass) Steam Key EUROPE
je skladem 🏴 -3% s XXLGAMER = 203.45 Kč209.74 Kč
-3% s XXLGAMER = 203.45 Kč209.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass EN/DE/FR/JA/ES EU
je skladem 🏴214.74 Kč
214.74 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass
je skladem 🏴225.23 Kč
225.23 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass EN Global
je skladem 🏴251.98 Kč
251.98 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass (PC) Steam Key - GLOBAL
je skladem 🏴 -5% s SEAL5XX = 239.38 Kč251.98 Kč
-5% s SEAL5XX = 239.38 Kč251.98 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass PC Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -3% s 3XXLGAMER = 247.33 Kč254.98 Kč
-3% s 3XXLGAMER = 247.33 Kč254.98 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass Europe Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 241.32 Kč274.23 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 241.32 Kč274.23 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass Steam Key EUROPE
je skladem 🏴280.73 Kč
280.73 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel + Season Pass Steam CD Key
je skladem 🏴 -12% s XXLG12OFF = 298.08 Kč338.73 Kč
-12% s XXLG12OFF = 298.08 Kč338.73 Kč

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel (Global) (Xbox One) - Xbox Live - Digital Key
je skladem 🏴 -8% s XXLGAMER = 655.22 Kč712.20 Kč
-8% s XXLGAMER = 655.22 Kč712.20 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴761.28 Kč
761.28 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴806.58 Kč
806.58 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴896.23 Kč
896.23 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴999.68 Kč
999.68 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴999.68 Kč
999.68 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
je skladem 🏴999.68 Kč
999.68 Kč

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC) Steam Gift - GLOBAL
je skladem 🏴 -5% s SEAL5XX = 1,022.85 Kč1,076.68 Kč
-5% s SEAL5XX = 1,022.85 Kč1,076.68 Kč
DLC a jiné rozšíření ke hře
Informace o hře
Datum vydání
14.10.2014Hratelné na
Steam souvisící
O Borderlands: The Pre Sequel (PC) CD key
Děj hry se odehrává mezi událostmi Borderlands a Borderlands 2. Prozkoumáte měsíční krajinu Elpis a základnu Hyperion. Budete si moci zvolit mezi různými chrakter, které budou podřízeny Jacku Handsomeovi, který ještě používá staré jméno John a kariéra hlavního záporáka na něj teprve čeká. Můžete se těšit se na nové mrazicí a laserové zbraně, vozidla, které umožňují destrukci a chaos, prostředí s nízkou gravitací a mnohem více!
Více informací
Procesor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
Paměť: 2048 MB RAM
Grafická karta: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
DirectX: Version 9.0
Pevný disk: 13 GB available space
Procesor: 2.3 GHz Quad Core processor
Paměť: 2048 MB RAM
Grafická karta: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / ATI Radeon HD 5850
DirectX: Version 10
Pevný disk: 20 GB available space
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